Name: Bright Cherry
Nicknames: Cheery, Little Red (by parents)
Family: Sugar Belle (Mother), Big Mac (Father), Doodlebug (Younger step-brother), Ladybird (younger step-sister)
Gender: Female
Cutie Mark: Golden cherry
Special talent: Money management
Info: Cherry grew up in split custody of her parents, as they amicably divorced when she was very young. She loved weekends on the farm, and enjoyed helping her mother at her bakery, even if she was terrible at cooking. She was always a very clever child, and found her special talent when snooping through her moms finance papers and taxes. She found a much better way to ledger them, and from then on she was her moms little accountant.
Now that she is a young adult, she has been told that she will split-inherit Apple Acres with her cousin Candy. This was not good news, as Candy and her recently had a huge falling out.
She exchanges letters with her best friend Metis. Ever since he had to move permanently to The Castle, they’ve had to be pen pals— so he still gets all the Ponyville gossip and drama without having to be there!
Name: Doodlebug
Nicknames: Bugs, Cowboy (by friends)
Family: Fluttershy (Mother), Big Mac (Father),Bright Cherry (Older step-sister), Ladybird (younger sister)
Gender: Male
Cutie Mark: A cartoon worm peeking out an apple
Special talent: Drawing/artist
Info: When Doodlebug was a young colt, he was always close to his cousin Crispin. As they both grew up and Doodlebug found his special talent (by winning a mail in comic book contest!), Cris got more and more distant and Bugs lost his best friend. This caused him to be quiet and sullen for a couple years, until one day his mother asked if he would like to go to The School of Friendship. He agreed, and was overjoyed when he realized he was reunited with all of his friends from foalhood—including a very grumpy Crispin.
Having grown up naturally surrounded by animals, he loves them, and they are what started him to draw. He would spend hours doodling Angel Bunny, and even made a little comic called “Super Bun” that even as a teen he occasionally works on to this day.
He can be a bit lazy when it comes to farm work, much preferring to find a shady tree to hide under and daydream.
Name: Ladybird
Nicknames: Birdy
Family: Fluttershy (Mother), Big Mac (Father), Bright Cherry (Older step-sister), Doodlebug (older brother)
Gender: Female
Cutie Mark: TBA
Special talent: TBA
Info: The little daughter of two quiet ponies, Birdy inherited Flutter’s shyness and Mac’s way with words. She will usually only speak to her closest friends and family.
She loves plants, in fact she collects succulents and names each one. She is currently working on nursing a sick apple tree back to health, and it seems to be working! (Do I sense a plant care special talent in her future??)
As a more subtle form of expression, she loves to have her hair in all sorts of ways. Her friends love to take turns styling her mane. Her favorite way to style is sailor moon buns!
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