10th Oct 2020, 6:00 AM
As I write these first pages of Part 2, it occurs to me that what I might tentatively call the Discord Arc has gone absolutely nowhere I predicted. Flashing forward to Season 8, then an entire guest arc in Equestria Girls, then coming back to the end of Season 2 to resolve a plot introduced in an intermission, ending up tying in thematically to how The Return of Harmony played out.
Fittingly chaotic, I guess?
DM: Hey, can I talk to you for a second?
Princess Cadance: Oh, uh, is there something wrong with how I'm playing?
DM: Oh no, not at all. In fact… How do you do it?
Princess Cadance: Huh?
DM: We've got a storyline here involving imposters, intrigue, betrayal, separating the party, in-character arguments… We've even got, as players, two siblings who have a troubled history and haven't really spoken in years, playing a scenario that could be uncomfortably close to home.
Princess Cadance: Sorry, I'll take some responsibility for that. Neither of us realized how awkward it would be.
DM: No that's not what I'm getting at. *Despite* all of that, it's going great! Nothing's… blown up catastrophically! You've done a fantastic job helping to manage this, and I've gotta know your secrets.
Princess Cadance: Is this about what you mentioned before? Your mentor and Discord?
DM: Yeah. I feel lucky I still have a gaming group – and a friend – after that kerfuffle. And it's a saga that's not yet over.
Princess Cadance: Hmmm… I'd be happy to talk after we wrap up. Let's not count our chickens yet. There's still plenty of session left that could explode.
DM: That's the last thing my anxiety needs.
Princess Cadance: Heh heh! I'll do my best to make sure it doesn't.