
"She's the new girl, right? Want to ask if she wants to play?"

"Isn't her mom one of the old heroes? And her dad is that Draconequus? She must be strong!"

"What's wrong with her? Why is she freaking out?"

"Her brother is so nice… what's her problem?"

"Jeez, what a jerk. Does she really not want to play with us that bad?"

"Just because of her parents, I bet."

"Whatever. Let's go somewhere else."


Tune's first day of school…
It… didn't go so well.

On one hand, Gos is extremely charismatic and easy-going. While he was nervous, he played it off well and made a lot of friends.
Tune, however, was a much different story.

Right as she opened her mouth, she was immediately met with an overwhelming feeling of terror and froze up in front of the possible friends. In reaction, they saw her as an annoying crybaby, and a pretentious jerk. Really, does she think she's too good for them? Just because she has 2 parents who are famous?

So, unlike her brother, she spent a huge part of her elementary career outcast by her classmates. That is… until the bullies came up.


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