Born to Silly


I've been meaning to draw baby/kiddo Nightingale for FOREVER. Look at this lil cutie!

Once Nightingale started to lose her vision, she was absolutely TERRIFIED of flying. Her sight had started to go just as she was able to flap her wings enough to hover and the idea of flying without their eyes left her paralyzed in fear. She would regularly freeze up completely, especially when making it up to a cloud and then having such a feeling of weightlessness. Fortunately, they had blind Mommy Songbird to teach them how to take flight without being scared and while she’s more confident in the air, Gale usually stays on the ground. Instead of lots of flying, they use their wings to feel around whatever space they’re in.

Look at those thick ass glasses, that's my life right there xD
After a certain point, there was no reason for Gale to have the glasses anymore. It no longer helped.

I am also not used to drawing front-facing character AT ALL, please don't @ me '


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