
Name: Swift Warning
Nicknames: Swift, Swifty, Twinkletoes
Talent: Random Acts of Kindness
Parents: Discord + The unceasing chaos that churns within the universe

A happy little accident, Swift Warning was born at age 4 when Discord sneezed- and they came flying out of the older draconequus' left ear. By now, Fluttershy had long grown used to her best friend's chaotic magic, and hardly blinked an eye when Swift crashed into the table and sent the whole teaset flying. The trouble really began when Discord snapped his claws, intending to vanish the troublesome little chaos construct, only to find that Swift was now a very permanent resident of reality. Try as he might, Discord could not dispel the little draconequus as if it were just another illusion.

Although Discord is technically their father, Swift Warning was raised almost entirely by Fluttershy- Discord's best friend/roommate/platonic partner. Despite being incredibly ancient, Discord still to this day has a maturity level that tends to fluctuate wildly between "responsible older brother" and "foal that needs a nap." He was affectionate, but had little interest in acting like a dad when it came to the tough stuff, like giving Swift advice or comforting them when they were upset. Thus, the job of actually parenting little Swifty fell to Fluttershy- and she's done an amazing job of it.

Swift Warning has turned out to be an incredibly polite and kind young person, with a good heart and a level of confidence that lets them get things done. What are they getting done, exactly? Well, chaos, of course! Even the most mild-mannered draconequus can't survive without perpetuating some level of chaos and unpredictability. (Or so they assume- they've never met another draconequus besides Discord, who claims that sneezing out children is not a usual thing, even for him.) They flit about from place to place, replacing broken carts or turning old and unwanted toys into exciting new ones. They arrive and disappear in a flash- sometimes almost too quick to see- and leave nothing but happy accidents and granted wishes in their wake.


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