15th Oct 2020, 6:00 AM
Shining Armor being supportive and proud of his fiance playing the ruthless villainess out to get him is the precise aesthetic I wanted to arrive at from the outset.
Also, dang, these shots of Cadance's sneering face reflected in green on the crystal walls. This is mere minutes away from the reveal, but it's already communicating a lot about her duplicitous character.
DM: You start to hear a faint cackling above you, echoing around the cave.
Twilight Sparkle: Oh great, it's monologue time. Actually, that would be helpful… Yes, by all means, now that you've got me trapped with *no* hope of escape, please do tell me about all of your plans.
Princess Cadance: How adorable. You still think you can beat me.
Twilight Sparkle: Wait, you're… still voicing and roleplaying the evil version?
Princess Cadance: Why wouldn't I be?
Twilight Sparkle: I dunno, I just thought maybe the DM would take over the villain role!
DM: I offered, but… it was determined that it wasn't necessary.
Princess Cadance: Decades ago, these caves beneath Canterlot were rich with gems and jewels, so greedy unicorns mined them out and hoarded the wealth. Naturally, they now stand empty. Everything left is worthless. The entrances were sealed and forgotten. No one will hear you. No one will think to search for you down here. It's the perfect prison.
Applejack: …Dang. Y'ain't got no problems playin' a ruthless villain.
Shining Armor: Right?! She's awesome!