
sorry is not the best but i want to get this done after this i will take a break and practice on vectoring

Wow, I made it to the end. It's been a long journey from me doing the comic version of the story to this, all just for characters that I like to have a happy ending (Jekyll and Hyde).

It started as a "would it be cool if I made a comic with this story?). maybe it was also the movie helping me like Hyde; I like him perhaps due to his free spirit and how he looks, that I got used to him.

Now knowing better, I'm not sure, but I kept his looks due to being more accurate to the book, same with Jekyll (also cause I like how Jekyll looks), yet I know that Hyde from the book is different.

My problem is that I over-analyze; thoughts come to my head suddenly.

I either have to analyze or explain to you all to see what you think.

It's been so hard for me when I know it's a public domain book I can do what I want, what I analyze seems to make sense, as well as knowing the author came from a different time.

Yet that will be over-analyzing; I should trust myself in what I already figured and do what feels right.

I should be proud to make this series; I've improved my art and (hopefully) storytelling making a story of what I think it feels best to.

I like the other characters too, I don't remember why I put them in this story, but I do care for them.

Seeing the movies, reading, or knowing the basic premise of their books. They are interesting characters; I've learned a lot even though I stress too much.

I feel that Jekyll and Hyde and Griffin were the most difficult characters to do, analyze, and figure out, but I made it through this.

I'm so excited for the next chapter, yet for now, I must rest and practice for the next chapter and how to do a style of storytelling.

Thank you all for reading my comic; I hoped you enjoyed it, now I'm off to rest; we will meet again soon, I might do other arts we'll see.

Goodbye, everyone, and again thank you.


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