Born to Silly


I’m honestly really pleased with how she came out :v This is frittata! She is the oldest daughter of celestia and trixie :>

Frittata definitly takes after Celestia, with warmer tones throughout her whole color pallete, wich is kinda funny cause I was Planning on her taking more after trixie lmao

Anyways, frittata is a gourmet chef, and she runs an extremely successfully restaurant called “ la Poule Douce “ or, roughly translated, the sweet hen ;> she was born a unicorn, and the only sign that she might come from alicorn descent is the claws on her hooves and the flowy tail that floats a bit, and even then most Just assume she just has a Pegasus grandpa or something.

She was born in the morning, and was named by celestia (who might have been a tad bit hungry at the moment)

Her brother gets endless amusement from calling her “princess frittata” and exclaiming “all hail the frittata” when she walks into a room


”Like I said. I’m very good at my job. So sit down please.”

parents: Trixie and Celestia
Name meaning: a fancy way to cook eggs
age: tba
species: Unicorn
Build: slim, Tall and lanky
breed origin: Arabian
height: 16 hands
occupation: student
Special student: creating new gourmet recipes, and cooking gourmet food
nicknames: fritter, frit, free, tata

theme song: coastline, hollow coves
voiceclaim: Vidalia, Steven universe




- Still very close to her brother, and send him letters every week with an owl named foi gras.

- likes to draw in her free time, specifically cathedrals and food

- still doesn’t have too many friends

- is definitely a morning person (wakes up at the crack of dawn)

- Allergic to garlic (can still touch it and smell it and stuff, but has an allergic reaction whenever she eats it)

- Has a pet hen, who will later inspire her restaurants name “la Poule Douce” or “the sweet hen”. The hens name is sorbet.

- she never raises her voice, but she has a commanding presence and is able to make herself heard and understood without having too.

- very confident, but it’s a quiet confidence (unlike her brothers very very loud confidence)

- an introvert raised by extroverts lmao


that’s it for now! If you want to check out her parents, celestia and trixie, head over here <333…

Thanks for looking! <3



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