
Originally posted on: July 31, 2017, 11:47 PM UTC
Lachina partial ref sheet
Partial ref sheet for my new character Lachina. She is a kelpie and she has the ability to shape shift. She normally shifts between her kelpie, unicorn, mermaid/siren and human forms. She lives within a loch in Scotland and she loves to mess with humans but she actually does not wish to harm them. (Unless someone harms her family, then that's a different story.) She is actually very fascinated by them. When she was young she befriended a young highlander lad after saving him from drowning in the loch during a stormy night. At first the boy didn't know what to think of the kelpie, but as time went on the two became inseparable and they later ended up marrying. Lachina's kelpie family did not approve at all and so cursed Lachina to a life of immorality. At first things weren't so bad, but after her husband died things began to go downhill. She watched over and protected her family for a few generations, but with each new generation, she grew more and more distant from her family. Eventually, unable to take the pain of watching her family members die, she just left one day and decided to travel around the world, hoping to fill the void within her heart. She went to many places, including Japan and the Americas. (She also interacted with other "mythological" creatures and humans from these regions.) She was gone for so long that her family thought something had happened to her. Her story became just another family legend, but her human family incorporated a kelpie into their family crest in her honor, hoping that one day their protector and beloved family member would return. She eventually does return to the place she once called home and history repeats itself as the day she arrives back from her travels, she saves another young child from drowning within the loch, which later on she finds out the child is a distant blood relative. After that, she promises to remain within the loch and become the protector of her family once again.


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