
Originally posted on: December 30, 2017, 4:32 PM UTC
Prince Cosmos Concept 1
Hello my lieblings! How is everybody? How are the holidays going for you guys? I am pleased to announce that I received a Samsung Galaxy Tab A tablet for Christmas from my awesome parents (best parents in the world!!!) and let me tell you it is AWESOME!!! It allows me to draw directly on the screen which is something that I have been wanting for a very long time and the stylus' head is very small so it allows me to draw thinner lines, which is another major plus. I actually drew this picture on my new tablet. I've been playing around with drawing programs to find out which one is right for me.

About the picture itself, this is a concept for a deleted character from the recent My Little Pony movie, Prince Cosmos, the long lost brother of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. Like many of the MLP villains, he has been locked away for over 1000 years in a dark dimension/Shadow zone, though his story is he was locked away long before Celestia and Luna were ever born. I decided to do my own spin on him just for fun and to practice with the Photoshop Sketch app. I will probably continue to develop him but I plan to draw something festive for my next picture. 😁


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