Its finally finished!
The Crystal Kingdom is the spearhead of King Sombra, led by his most loyal minions as they further Sombra's might and convert more to their cause. Sent to exact Sombra's revenge on Princess Celestia and Luna, Shining Sombra and Crystalance launched a surprise attack on Canterlot. Tricking the princess' into thinking they were bringing aid to help them in their fight again Discord, they captured Celestia and converted her. Luna barely escaped as the crystal trio converted Canterlot into a crystal fortress. Now with the Nightmare Shield blocking them from their King, Shining Sombra and Crystalance lead the Crystal Kingdom as they attempt to finish the vengeance of their king and to complete the real task that King Sombra gave them. The capture of one pony that their master desperately wants.
Shining Sombra and Crystalance, Envoys of the Crystal King
Crystal Shores and Crystalpants
The Crystalbolts
The Crystal Kingdom is the spearhead of King Sombra, led by his most loyal minions as they further Sombra's might and convert more to their cause. Sent to exact Sombra's revenge on Princess Celestia and Luna, Shining Sombra and Crystalance launched a surprise attack on Canterlot. Tricking the princess' into thinking they were bringing aid to help them in their fight again Discord, they captured Celestia and converted her. Luna barely escaped as the crystal trio converted Canterlot into a crystal fortress. Now with the Nightmare Shield blocking them from their King, Shining Sombra and Crystalance lead the Crystal Kingdom as they attempt to finish the vengeance of their king and to complete the real task that King Sombra gave them. The capture of one pony that their master desperately wants.
Shining Sombra and Crystalance, Envoys of the Crystal King
Crystal Shores and Crystalpants
The Crystalbolts
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