
Name: Mila Shores

Sex: Female

Age: Filly

Parents: Charise de Lune, Anise Shores

Mila is a shy little filly with a sweetheart. She finds it difficult to speak her mind during almost any situation, as learning how precious silence can be. With her parents being Charise and Anise, there’s never a dull moment around the castle where she resides. Anise is always quick to make up her hair, make sure there’s so lint or frizz anywhere, and that she doesn’t look too tired before she starts her day. After her primping and preening sessions in the morning, she is met by her other mother Charise’s BIG personality, and over-the-top positivity for the rest of the day. With all that chaos, it’s easy to see how she has learned to stay quiet. She completes tasks well without any dissension and goes throughout her day blending into the background.

Accompanying her quiet nature is her love of reading. Her favorite thing to do as much as possible is to find somewhere peaceful and read her books over and over and over again with fantasy being her favorite genre. She enjoys using elements that she has read about and creating her very own worlds that she wishes to reside in, choosing to build cardboard universes and blanket fort timelines that she drapes her life in.

Her mother Anise desperately wants her to follow in her fashion footsteps and further the family name, but Mila is more interested in all things magical and fantastic.


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