
Originally posted on: January 10, 2016, 9:37 PM UTC
About Batponies
In my canon batponies are not a race of pony, but a cast. So anypony can become a batpony if he choose to be one. Batponies are the elite of Luna’s guard. They are also most of the time called Night Ponies.

When they are still young guards on training, they keep there original appearence. But when they finish their training and are still sur they want to become Night guard, they participate to a ceremony presid by Luna in person. During this their physical envelop change to gain some abilities.
— their ears turn more flufy to feel movement in the air
— their pupils become cat like too have a better vision in the dark. But in day light they have normal pupils.
— They obtain small fang with a small quantity of venom to paralyse.
— Pegasus obtain bat like wing, unicorns a curved horn and earth ponies dewclaw (even if a forget to draw them here^^’)
— And their coat turn darker for camouflage in the night. White and grey turn more or less dark grey (but never completely black), warm color (Brown, yellow, orange, red…) turn purple and cold color (blue, turquoise, green…) turn blue. For exemple Elusive you can see here was yellow with a white mane. She became purple with grey mane. The eyes color and cutie mark stay the same.

Nightponies completely disappear when Luna was on the moon, but when she return she reborn the Nightguard. This guard is also famous for their hierarchy system. They are more free to act and purpose ideas than all the other army. They also have a lack of authority and discipline. But they are clearly less stupidly obedient than other soldier and keep the value of everypony in mind.

When she have trouble with Royal Guard, Silver Fang was admit in the Night guard as honorary member. She still is.

PS : This huge earth pony here is not a blank flank. His cutie mark is a rond grey spot (he was white with bicolor turquoise blue mane). He was really disapointed by it at the beginning but when he decided to become nightpony everything become clear. After the ceremony it appear that the color of his cutie mark and the color of his new coat are exactly the same. His special talent his about camouflage.


MLP belongs to Hasbro
Elusive belongs to me

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