
I'm not a Fluttercord shipper, but I think there could be very genuine nuggets of love between them. And those little nuggets would result in a very unexpected baby that made them stick together longer than they probably should have. I think Discord loved Fluttershy too much for his own good, and Fluttershy had to hold herself back a little bit to love Discord in return. They both care for each other a lot, and Fluttershy does understand Discord quite better than other ponies at the time.

Honestly, I'm a Twicord shipper now if anything. I just think their dynamic is so much healthier, what with the whole power difference not being quite so drastic? In retrospect I just love Discord's immediate fascination with Twilight, as she is the protagonist that holds everyone else together. I think the writers knew this and really tried to play with the idea of Discord and Twilight having a Q/Picard relationship, where Discord calls Twilight out on moral inconsistencies, tests her patience, etc. But it was just never fleshed out because…Fluttercord, I guess.

Regardless, I think if Discord bothered to grow more, he could have been good for Fluttershy. Hence why he eventually leaves Fluttershy and his young son. The pressure of a mortal life is much too hard for an immortal being to bear. But have a short, roughly written fluff fic anyway:

Fluttershy's hooves clip-clopped down the hoof-carved wooden stairs of her cottage. As the morning light shown on her face, she couldn't help but yawn and squint her eyes tightly shut. A waft of the scent of burnt waffles struck her suddenly, and for a panicked moment, she thought something was on fire. The little boost of adrenaline sent her to the kitchen, wide eyed, only to find Discord…attempting desperately to make conventional waffles the very conventional way. He cursed the waffle-maker for its terrible cooking skills and threatened it with a lifetime in the neversphere for its continued insolence.

"Discord?" She asked, feeling a warm smile crease her lips.

He whirled, trying to hide the waffle batter laden counter behind his mistmatched wings. "Ohhh Fluttershy, my dear! You're awake!"

"I see you've been busy." She said wryly, raising a brow at the mess. "What's the occasion?" Fluttershy walked to the edge of the counter, pushing past his wings, which hung limp at his sides now. She poured herself and her noddle-like partner a cup of coffee amidst the chaotic breakfasty mess. Discord's cup was one of a matched pair he bought for Fluttershy a few months ago. Few knew it, but Fluttershy was an avid manga reader, so of course it had custom chibi drawings of them with Japanese text roughly translating to 'I'm with stupid' on them.

"Pff, do I need an occasion to make breakfast for a dear friend?"

"Friend?" She giggled, playfully swishing him with her tail. "That's not what you told me last night…"

He blushed, but leaned back against the counter casually as he sipped his coffee. He recalled last night well…and all of the feelings he poured onto her in a moment of combined passion, loneliness and desperation. Discord hadn't realized apparently how much he loved and needed her in his life. When he couldn't see her smile, hear her laughter and voice…he felt…adrift in space. Despite the chaos he wrought and desired, something about Fluttershy made him feel so safe. Like he had a future…like he could rely on something for once. Fluttershy was a mare he could never control, and yet, like the sunrise, she was always there every time he needed her. They had only been 'dating,' as some would call it, since he bought her those coffee mugs. He had loved and cared for her before then, but only then, and from when they share their first kiss, did he know those feelings were true. He knew he wanted her now and for…well for however long she would have him.

Discord reached over and rubbed her hoof with his eagle talon. He flashed her with a grin. "Fair enough…Say…would you like to dance?"

Fluttershy tilted her head, but then grinned back, knowing that he would surely devise some way for music to play. "Lead the way."

He pulled her out to the living room, waffles very much forgotten and never cared for in the first place. This was about the two of them…and Discord was certain he wanted to give Fluttershy everything she wanted now. As the warm morning light shone on the both of them, Discord felt so whole he could burst. It only worsened when he felt his beloved mare pressed against his chest. Her hooves and muzzled nuzzled into his fur. He held her then, and the two swayed to some unknown source of music. Discord wasn't sure if he could really hear it, but somehow, it felt as if their heartbeats together worked in harmony to make the sound that made them dance to a rhythm. He smiled and she smiled. Such love had never been felt before. He kissed the back of her head, and she, as ponies did to express love, nibbled the back of his neck. It felt as if the very nature of the world was changing to celebrate their love.

"I'm pregnant."

The words shattered the warmth. Discord stared outside a moment, eyes wide, as he mulled over the sentence in his mind. Slowly, he pulled away, their swaying now effectively stopped. His hands on her shoulders still, he blinked and stared at her face. What was that expression? Fear? Regret?

"I meant to tell you sooner…I didn't think it was possible, but…I went for a normal check-up and well…that's when they told me." Fluttershy said, not meeting Discord's eyes. At the sound of his silence, she looked up at him, "Please…don't be angry that I didn't tell you..a-and don't be afraid. I have o-options if you'd rather do that…I know it's ultimately my choice, but I didn't want to make any decisions without you."

Discord was afraid. But that fear and shock morphed into something else. Pride, was it? No…perhaps hope? Regardless, he felt himself breathe in disbelief and he smiled. "Angry? H-How could I possibly be angry? This is unexpected, but not unwelcome news…oh my Fluttershy…"

Fluttershy held her gaze on his strange face, "What do you want to do?"

For the first time in his life, Discord wondered what it would be like to be a father. Was it a girl? A boy? What would they be like? Surely it would be the perfect being, brought together by the chaos and kindness and love of its parents. And no matter what, Discord knew he wanted it more than ever. He wanted to raise a family with this mare. He knelt down so he was eye-level with her. "Dr. Fluttershy, my esteemed veterinarian and greatest love of my eternal life, I would love nothing more than to raise this child with you, now and forever, if you shall have me."

"Goodness, Dissy, are you proposing to me?"

"Call it what you wish, but you're stuck with me, baby…and ah-" He gingerly placed a paw on her belly, "Baby."

"Oh Discord, I'm so happy…but…also afraid…I didn't expect to be a mom this soon."

"Fluttershy I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you're in your late twenties. Soon isn't quite the definition I'd go for." He nudged her playfully.

"You're awful chipper about all of this….aren't you scared too? I mean, a foal is a big responsibility. I didn't even think you liked children. Or wanted them for that matter."

Discord shrugged, "Eh, something about your cute little horsey cheeks changed my mind…" He pinched her cheek, eliciting a giggle. "If they're half the pony you are, I will be happy. There need to be more Fluttershy's in this world. And, heh, if they're half the draconequus I am, then we've accomplished the impossible. All we have to do is raise a child. How hard can that be?"

"Well…I think that's settled." Fluttershy breathed, and held out her hoof with a nervous smile, "Partners?"

Discord took it, returning a grin. Their eyes met, recognizing the permanent bond they would now share. "Partners."


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