
Originally posted on: July 25, 2016, 1:29 AM UTC
The legend behind the name
Silver Fang : Mommy ? Daddy ? Why did you called me Silver Fang ? Pumpkin Pie tell me it isn't a pony name.

Blue Fields : So what sort of name is it for him ?

Silver Fang : A dog name … But it's okay I love dogs.

Fallight : Your name is a really important tradition in our family. And there is an amazing story behind it. The first born in every decades is named Silver Fang. This is how we do for five centuries now.

Silver Fang : Whoa ! Could you tell me this story ? Is there is warriors ? And great battle ?

Fallight : Sort of buttercup. Let's go to the Canterlott Textils Art Museum to learn more.

Silver Fang : Why a museum ?

Blue Fields : There is a tapestry of our complete family tree in one of the rooms.

Silver Fang : So we are famous ?

Fallight : Hehehe…. No Silver. But there is a tradition of textils related job in our family and some of our ancestors were eccentric enough to create this tapestry. Your great-grandmother give it to the museum as a testimonial of evolution of tapestry fabrication.

Silver Fang : Hummm…….. So I'm on this thing too ?

Fallight : Of course ! Since your birth. And your little sister too. Museum give us autorisation to continue this amazing family tree.


Okay be ready for something big. Not amazing cause many person do it and better than me XD, but still something big for me. I work on a series of drawing to tell yu the story of Silver Fang name !
So this is an introduction. Plus you can see Silver Fang's parents and little Silver foal

Thank to WidowPeak for help with english <3

MLP belongs to Faust and Hasbro
Silver Fang, Blue Fields and Fallight belongs to me.


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