
Originally posted on: August 18, 2016, 5:06 PM UTC
New crystals ?
Next :…

In my AU, probably called the Winstonverse or Zepp'verse I dunno yet, Spike grows up a little and got more independance. He's not only Twilight's assistant, but also works on his own projects time to time.
As the hero of Crystal Empire, he often visits this place, particulary the mysterious caves and galleries under the city. Apparently most of the crystal blocks use to built the city were extract from the underground of the city and let now a huge labyrinth of rocks and gems. The paradise for a little curious and hungry growing teenage dragon.

And it's with this innocent exploration like pastime my AU start. Because during one of this exploration, Spike discovers a new variety of crystal that nopony ever seen before. And Twilight will soon discover some interesting things about this mineral…

Sooooo I will explain you more about my AU in the future weeks and reveal a new main character who's not really new in fact XD. I guess that will help you to make more sens about some infos in my characters reference. Next part in fews days !!


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