Originally posted on: August 25, 2016, 5:56 PM UTC
SpikexThorax next gen
Soooo, I was searching a nice pairing for Spike cause I'm not really into Sparity. Spike and Twilight don't look to have a huge age difference if you refer to Spike birth. But Rarity could be older than Twilight. She can be 10 years older than Spike. It could be ok for me if spike wasn't always consider as a baby dragon. I find this annoying cause i looks more like a teenager than a baby and he is sooooo often infantilised by the main six, I'm surprised he never kicks their ass XD. Common he even sleepe like a dog and works for free !
But the bigest point for me that make Sparity a weird couple is Rarity attitude toward poor Spike. She completely use him like an objet, that's not fair for that poor dude. He's totaly exploited for free and she uses his crush for her as an excuse to her horrible attitude. That will make a terrible relationship. I don't think that can be sane for both of them.
But if you pair Rarity with Spike, I'm okay with it 🙂 And I even can love art about them if it's well done, interesting or anything. And I have to admit pony dragon hybrid have often great design
So why thorax ?
Because I'm a lazy follower of the last popular ship XD. But also cause Thorax looks more younger than the mane six. He's pony disguis looks like a teenager, not an adult. So I guess Spike and him could have a similar maturity. Plus their relation looks cute with a nice potentiel too beciome something lovely. And seriously a changeling x dragon hybrid …… That just too great to not to try design something with it !
Here is my cute nameless spike x Thorax nextgen. She's female, pretty short and a lovely girl. Pretty funny, loves puns, huge sense of humor about her scary appearance. She's fireproof but have no fire breath capacity. She's surprisingly clever and wise for her age, maybe gifted. But can also be silly if she has the occasion. She can disguis herself as a pony with similar color than her normal appearance. But she's not really good cause she can focused properly on it like a normal changeling. She's really good at imitation (voice, attitude…) most of the time for charming mockery. She's the shorter of my next gen because of changeling gen. No fly hability, no magic.
If you have a name suggestion, that'll be great. I'm thinking of Diamond Claw because that can turn in Clawdia, but that really stupid.
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