I'm certain that some of you have decided to avoid the new Pony Life show, for it being too…. "Random and hyper active" to put it lightly. Personally, I don't think it's that bad, and is no where near the Teen Titans Go clone that fans of Friendship is Magic make it out to be. I do respect their decisions though as it's not for everyone. But there's one that this show does that the original show didn't do. Turned Twilight Sparkle into Pinkie Pie, in terms of appetite.
This drawing here being inspired by the recent episode Pie Vs. Pie, in which Twilight grows a more pudgy figure via Pinkie's new Dough-cup-pops. Here's a picture from that episode… >>2432229 So it's no wonder that Twilight was more than willing to become an advertisement spokes mare for Sugar cube Corner. Of course, she does it for one of her closest friends Pinkie, though Pinkie knows her friend is loving her new snacks.
And it looks like Red Velvet Rose has a new partner in advertisement. ~ PrinceBlueMoon3