
Are y'all ready for some gay shit~

“Alright, I got this. I got this” Mellifera muttered to himself as he skimmed a few low-hanging clouds in the evening sky, shaking some mist from his front legs. “Just have to tell him. Go up and say ‘Hey there, Bee. I’m totally head-over-heels for you’. Can’t see how this could possibly blow up in my face…”

Even if the changeling decided to turn back now, it was too late. Sweet Apple Acres was in view from his position in the air, and he could hear the sound of others calling out to him in excitement. Little Pippin and Cherry Blossom waved frantically, grinning from ear to ear. Cloudy Cortland, just exiting the barn, glanced at everyone in amusement as Mel descended to the ground. Pippin galloped towards him, launching at Mel. He clung to the stallion’s front leg, giving a tight hug as Mellifera lifted him up and returned the snuggle.

“What brings you so late, Melli?” Cherry Blossom asked, slowly pulling her little brother from his tight grip on Mel’s leg and putting him on her own back, where he stuck his tongue out at her playfully. “You picking up another order for your family?”

Mel shook his head, his front legs fidgeting nervously in the dirt and his face turning pink. He spoke softly, as if trying to keep his plan as secret as possible. “No, I-I was going to see if Sweet Bee was here… I just want to talk to him.” Another smile grew on Cherry’s muzzle, this one proving that she understood exactly what he meant.

“Is that so?” She lightly teased as Cloudy Cortland made her way over to the others as Pippin slipped off of his sister’s back and ran off, a matter-of-fact smirk on her face.

“It’s about time,” Cloudy stated, giving Mel a light punch on the arm. “You two are worse than Golden and his girlfriend.”

Mel’s face grew hot and he glanced down, the tip of his hoof digging a small hole in the ground below him. “I keep thinking I should just go home. I know he fancies Strawberry…a-and I see how he looks at her…I’m worried he doesn’t like me, like that.”

Cherry Blossom and Cloudy glanced at each other momentarily, trying to hide their expressions. It was the younger mare who spoke up first, before her older sister could stop her. “I don’t think you’re gonna have a problem there, Mel—” Cloudy Cortland said, her sister now being the one to deliver a soft punch to silence her, but it didn’t stop her. “He seems to be more and more excited when ya come around. I think he started to get that Strawberry wasn’t gonna date him a while ago, but she’ll always be his first big crush, y’know? I think if you talk with him, he’ll gladly listen.”

Mel tried to find the right response, but there wasn’t enough time. Pippin ran back to the three, grinning up proudly at the changeling. “I got Bee for ya! Cuz you said ya wanted to talk to him!”

Cloudy ruffled the colt’s hair, praising him quietly before giving Mel a wink as their older brother approached. “Good luck, Mel. You got this!” The mare whispered, shooing both Cherry and Pippin away to give the two stallions some privacy, even if Cherry tried to stay around and see it all unfold.

“Hey, Melli!” Sweet Bee grinned, giving his friend a casual one-armed hug. “Pip said you wanted to talk to me. What’s up?”

Mel took a panicked breath in, a nervous smile on his face. “D-Do you want to go on a walk?” Sweet Bee raised a brow but shrugged it off within seconds, giving a nod. The two started walking into the orchard, the silence deafening for the changeling as he tried to remind himself to just keep breathing. Desperately trying to keep up any conversation at all, he blurted out the first thing he could. “Wow, the sunset’s really p-pretty, huh?”

Bee kept his eyes forward, clearly staring at the orchard’s horizon. “Yeah, I love sunrises and sunsets. The colors are just amazing, and that yellow-orange mix is my favorite…” The stallion’s gaze slowly moved, now glancing at Mel from the corner of his eye. “Kinda like those honey lookin’ gems you have. They’ve always been my favorite color.”

It didn’t take long for Mellifera’s face to light up once again with blush as he tried to look over to the stallion next to him. The way Bee spoke gave Mel goosebumps and he chuckled shakily. “Y-yeah?”

The two stood in silence for a few more seconds, until Mellifera couldn’t hold it in anymore. It was now or never and he had to just get the words out. “Bee, I…I really like you.”

“Oh, yeah?” Sweet Bee turned to face him, tilting his head to the side. At this, Mel couldn’t help himself and just kept rambling, clearly panicking.

“A-And I’d understand if you don’t like me back. I know you’re… possibly… interested in o-other ponies. But i-it’s okay if you don’t…I know I sound like an idiot—” Mel was trying to look anywhere besides in the stallion’s direction, even though they stood face to face.

“Mellifera,” Bee muttered, drawing Mel’s attention. The two locked gazes and everything seemed to quiet down, until the stallion took a step closer. "I like you, too." Then it seemed Mel’s brain was shouting at him, trying to tell him how to respond.

‘Why is he moving closer? Are we going to kiss? Does he want me to kiss him first? Should I let him make the first move? I should run. I should run as far away as possible and never look back.’

His questions seemed to be answered as Sweet Bee lifted his head and began to close his eyes, clearly signalling that he wanted to kiss Mel. The changeling gulped, his cheeks practically hot enough to light a fire as he moved to close the space between them. It seemed like hours had passed before Mellifera was brave enough to make his move and at the last second, he closed his eyes and pressed his lips against Sweet Bee’s. Mel was shaking with both excitement and fear, his mind going blank the longer the kiss lasted. When they parted, Sweet Bee tucked his head under Mel’s chin and gave him a gentle nuzzle.

“I’m glad you finally said somethin’.” Bee sighed happily, making Mel’s heart skip a beat.

“Me, too.”


This amazing background is from BronyB34r

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