
Here is a very old character I decided to bring back my daughter for Queen Chrysalis, Princess Metamorphia and honestly I LOVE how her new look came out.

Princess Metamorphia was the daughter of Queen Chrysalis and her heir, Meta was born with a rare deficiency that effects a changelings ability to feed on love called amoritis not a lot is known about this personally but researchers had managed to get a basic knowledge of it when a changeling feeds on love even the smallest amount will have the infected changeling start to vomit and become violently ill but they had also noticed that changelings with amoritis are able to feed on nectar, honey, or even fruits and berry's which had led them to not looking so thin and ragged.

Meta because of that, had never really had the need or drive to go after ponies, she is the exact opposite of her mother compassionate, motherly, kind, considerate the only thing connecting her to her mother is her appearance thought Meta's mane is more bright than her mothers as well as a collar of fur around her neck which some royal changeling queens have. But due to Meta's personality she wasn't a popular choice amongst her subjects but only three of them she considers friends Thorax, Pharynx, and her closest friend Nymph.
Nymph was one of the more weaker subjects in the hive, always being last to feed when ever one of her mother's soldiers came back from a successful hunt, as well as being emotionally and physically attacked by his queen and the others. But not Meta, Meta was kind to him and always defended him because of her status no one really fought back or questioned her. She had hid her inability to not be able to feed off of love rather well and would lie to her mother about it seeing her daughter come back looking much fuller than the others.

But unfortunately for Meta, her mother soon found out and she was not happy with her daughter and made her feed off of someone's love to see if her thoughts were correct although Meta tried to get out of it there was no use, so when she did she threw up and that was the last nail in the coffin. Meta had done this in front of the whole hive, Nymph's heart sunk seeing his only friend being embarrassed and tortured like this. It wasn't her fault this was how she was after her mother left in disgust as well as the other's. Meta felt tears fill her eyes and began to cry when Nymph made sure no one was around he rushed to Meta and the he embraced his princess not realizing Chrysalis was watching and listening in. That night Meta went to bed after she washed up but the next day Thorax had brought her the worst news she could ever had heard, Chrysalis had exiled Nymph from the hive, Meta's heart dropped down into her stomach and could feel it being digested by her stomach acid, it was bad enough her mother had publicly embarrassed and shamed in front of her subjects but this…this was going to far and she broke into tears, she had never cried so hard before, she didn't want to stay here anymore, she already had no respect by her own people so I highly doubt anyone would really miss her except for Thorax and maybe Pharynx.

She explained what she needed to do although Thorax would miss her, he understood why she needed to leave and Pharynx was loyal to her as well as his queen but even seeing his queen do this to the princess was going to far and offered to create a distraction, they waited and planned Pharynx was her mother's top solider he had informed them if her mother was near by to give them enough time to find someplace else to continue. Soon their plan was put into action they waited till one of her mother's meetings and it was one of those long meetings which was perfect since she and her top officials would be busy and to add to the perfect timing, her mother just laid a new brood of eggs so a lot of the changelings would be too busy to care for the eggs. The plan went perfectly and they said their goodbyes and Meta thanked them soon she was off. she felt free for the first time in her life. a huge weight was being lifted but she needed to find Nymph she had an idea of maybe where he could be since she had heard about her Uncle from Thorax and Pharynx and the fact her also had amoritis made her hopeful that maybe just maybe he was there. She soon found some changelings from another hive and they were surprisingly friendly.

They bowed to the princess knowing full well who she was and she asked if she could see the king and they told her that he had been waiting for her to which she was confused by that statement but decided to ask later, she was brought into a grand hive and it seemed like they were all….happy, they tended to gardens and even had beekeepers. It was amazing they soon got to the throne room and sitting on a throne was a changeling that parts where with her mother was a dark grassy teal and green, his was purple, he smiled at his niece and buzzed down to great her introducing himself as King Mimic. Meta's eyes widened THIS was the Mimic she heard so much about, this was her uncle.
Without thinking she ran to him and hugged him, she expected him to push her away but her surprise he embraced his niece tenderly. She felt more tears flow all these years of being in a place where no love was found this place this place was everything she hoped for and she soon heard a familiar voice.

It was Nymph, Meta rushed to him and embraced her friend with tears of joy she was so thankful he was alright and he looked fuller and not as thin has he did, she was told that Nymph was actually a spy for her uncle's hive he had amoritis just like her but he had to starve himself to make it more convincing and he was basically the one who told Mimic what happened. Meta couldn't believe it what she just heard and honestly she felt comforted to know someone WAS looking out for her and when Mimic offered her to stay at his hive, she of course happily said yes a grand celebration was held for the arrival of the their new princess, she had so much fun and felt happy she finally found someplace where she belonged.


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