Nag Kalmte
Me reporto con nun nuevo dibujo y y hoy presento a esta linda cebra
ella es la madre de los 3 hermanos que e dinujaddo anteriormente este dibujo
no presento gran resistencia al contragio mi pc es la que comenso a fallar por
eso cuano comenso a funcioinar de nuevo me puse en chinga loca para tratar
de acabar esto y abanzar en otras cosas la verdad esta cebra me gusta demaciado
no se por que estaba inspirado WE incluso queria usarla como OC pero nel prro espero les guste
STA preciosa cebra fue encargada a mi pory es parte de su proximo fanfic
Este podria llegar a ser mi ultimo trabajo en esta pc y estoy triste :v
I report with a new drawing and and today I present this cute zebra
she is the mother of the 3 brothers who have previously mentioned this drawing,
I do not show great resistance to contraction, my pc is the one that began to fail,
so when I began to work again I put in chinga crazy to try
to finish this and advance in other things the truth is this zebra I like it too much I do
not know why it was inspired WE even wanted to use it as OC but nevertheless I hope you like it
STA beautiful zebra was commissioned to me byand is part from his next fanfic
This could become my last job on this pc and I'm sad: v