In this picture, Chrysalis is dreaming a weird dream about King Sombra and how she secretly has a crush on him. LOL She never tells the other villains about it because it will prove too embarrassing, especially since Sombra refused to join the Legion of Doom and went on his own.
This may be one of the reasons why Luna never visits the dreams of the villains. LOL
Update 1: Added some white mist to make it look more like a dream and added a cute sleeping Chrysalis icon to show that she is dreaming this. LOL
Sombra vector by :iconetherium-apex: —…
Chrysalis vector by :iconsketchmcreations: with a blush edit by me. LOL
Background by :iconteaganlouise: —…
Sleeping Chrysalis Icon by :icondarkstarflyer66: —…