Gender: female
Species: unicorn
Bio: when Starlight was pregnant with Opal, she was a 7 month premature baby, which led her horn to become underdeveloped. Even though her horn was underdeveloped, she could still do magic, but only levitation, any other spells that she would attempt would lead her to awful migraines. When Opal was about the age of 4, she and Starlight when to the playground at the ponyville school yard and Opal fell off the swings, and scraped her leg pretty bad. After she fell, Opal made an attempt to try and heal herself, but doing so led to an an overwhelming amount of magic and sparks, causing tears and burns beyond recognition, which would force doctors to amputate half the leg. After the accident, mama Starlight, as well as princess Twilight, and Celestia helped enchant a special polished stone that would help Opal only use magic to levitate objects, and no other spells. Her stone helps prevent an overwhelming abundance of magic that she can't control, and if she were to try, the stone would help stop her, even Opal knew that she can't perform other spells and knows that its to help her and has to wear it at all times.
This data entry is for jaysey