
Originally posted on: March 6, 2020, 2:35 PM UTC
I give upp
Yeah, I gave up on this for a number of reasons:
- The file size got too big and was slowing my computer down. I need this computer for school, so I had to bail.
- lost motivation to finish it. Theres still so much left to do; Color and shade the rest of the characters, background, and other effects to unify them all a little better
- I want to draw other shIt. I want to draw other characters, I want to draw this, and that, but this is in the way.
- I feel weird drawing myself 13 times.

But for those who are curious, here's me from left to right, top to bottom:
1. Magical girl? Design is a wip, but i'll have drawings in the future with this magical girl concept hh
2. Anime girl? Idk, just smth random
3. Royal me. Confident, sarcastic and charming. My best qualities, and a little more goodies, packed into one.
4. little adventure time style me. Will flip the bird for no reason.
5. the little cartoon me peeping over on the left side, is basically me before i got my hair cut.
6. Fursona? I don't th i n k im a furry, but I made this anyway. I didnt have a fursona before this, but i guess i do now-
7. Persona, specifically my old one. I still have yet to fully update it, but yeh-
8. Me irl, there is nothing more to say.
9. I- i dont even remember what that cartoon one is?
10. Old persona, from like…7th grade. Fun fact, I'd wanted her to have a cropped shirt, but felt weird when drawing crop-tops on characters, and would put another shirt on underneath their cropped top.
11. Potato me. Just a potatoe.
12. Ponysona! Mostly designed by one of my irl friends, but I added some stripes! I forgot her horn though :')
13. Chibi! Just me, but chibi!


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