-Soarin is no doubt one of my all-time favorite stallion pony characters, considering that he is like the easygoing and fun-loving type of guy whose personality could either bode with or tangle with any of the mane six, especially if he was paired with Rainbow Dash (a shipping idea I support).
-Spifire was a great success for me with getting her (sexy) model right. Her mellow yet smirky expression was possibly the only hard part, which I was just glad that I nailed that as well. She is undeniably one of my other favorite backround ponies.
Just to point out, there's no specific reason why I have these two paired up in one pic, except maybe that I probably would've named the title "MLP FiM Swimwear: Wonderbolts" instead, but didn't because so nobody would think that I was going to do the other Wonderbolt members intentionally (not that that would be a problem though).