I hope your birthday has been a splendid one. You might have opened up your presents this morning, but behind this door is a truly gorgeous one, emphasis on the “gorge”.
You see, me and Pinkie Pie had a talk a week ago and we decided to make you life-sized chocolate statues of all of us. These moulds will represent all of us at our highest weights from the past few years, totalling up to 5,000 pounds of pure chocolatey bliss.
So, by the end of today, I’m sure you will be the biggest of all, because after all, the bigger the girl, the more love from your followers.
So, I hope you will enjoy this chocolate heaven and have a very flabby birthday, Neon. (Pinkie asked me to say that, by the way)
So, here’s a little sequence of NeonGoThic’s OC eating these chocolate statues every day until Neon’s actual birthday (the 19th). I hope she likes this. This is only the beginning…