
So, here is the speed paint. Hopefully this won't ruin anything from the premiere for anyone since it is a reference to some of the events. However, I just couldn't resist doing this piece and getting it up to show to some of my friends. If you haven't seen the premiere, don't continue reading. Stop now, and go watch it! O___O

Anyway, here we have Twilight using that dark-looking magic that Sombra and Celestia demonstrate in the episodes. Despite there not being much description to it (other than Celestia's comment about "fear and hatred" right before using it), I was rather intrigued by her usage of it, given the visage she develops when using it.

My interest in it was further piqued not just because Twilight uses it, but how she goes about it. When she first uses it, she's calm and cool and everything works just fine. However, the second time, she is using normal magic and then, in what appeared to me as anger and frustration, lashes out with it.

So, while there isn't much evidence supporting the idea, my mind was entertaining the idea that she was giving into the 'dark side' and letting her fear tempt her into using the power. Felt right in my mind, so I figured I would do a piece of her giving into that temptation further and letting it begin to consume her.

Like I said, this was a speed paint. I decided to start it immediately after the episode ended (11AM) and wanted it done to show off at my local Brony Club meeting (1PM). So, at most, I had two hours to get it done. I was initially off to a bad start, since my computer wasn't recognizing my tablet, and had to restart everything, so I lost about twenty minutes off the top.

I did the pencil sketch pretty quickly (I am loving MyPaint's Pencil tool… It is amazing for sketches) and quickly moved into the painting. That took up most of my time, and I learned that I really need to learn how to manage layers more efficiently. I used my usual Gimp method, and I just don't think it's as useful when doing speed paints as opposed to normal work.

In the end, I like how most of the piece came out. Would love to have had more detail, but given the time constraints, it wasn't feasible. That and I am unfamiliar with MyPaint's different brushes, so pretty much everything here was toying around with different brushes to see what I could do with them. Once I get a better grip of the program, I'm sure that I will be able to get better detailing in the pieces.


Anyway, hope everyone enjoys!


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