Born to Silly


Flare Burst
"Singing, Dancing and Acting are my passion, consider me a triple threat~!"
Parents: Sunset Shimmer and EQG Big Mac
Siblings: Helios and Jonagold
Gender: Female
Species: Unicorn
Allignment: Sun
Talent: Performing (specifically Singing)
Birthplace: ???

General Bio:

The second child of Sunset Shimmer and EQG Big Mac. Flare Burst grew up very close with her father. They had a very strong relationship, and she was absolutely crushed when he died. Out of all the kids it took her the longest to adjust to living as a pony, and while she certainly enjoys it now, she was miserable for a long time. She's decently close with the rest of her family, though she has gotten more distant with them since the passing of her father.
Her closest friends are Cake Pop, Keepsake and Mirabelle.

Future Spouse/Partner: Silver Lining


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