
looking at this picture proudly displayed on the room a little dragones prepares her clothes for the incoming wedding

barb remembers how it used to be…
her happy childhood in canterlot, way before nightmare moon before the elements, before ponyville. the princess and dusk were her family, and the castle was home since she could remember,and she was happy with that

she remembers that dusk was a caring and tender paternal figure for her, he used to buy lots of sweets and tons of new dresses and clothes for her. he carried her on his back everywhere never leaving her alone, he always said that she was his lucky scale when she asked about it

then, they were sent to this town under one of the strangest assignments that the princess has ever given to dusk. if she’s honest sometimes she feels resentful about it

she loves dusk as her dad. nothing can change that (she’s pretty sure about it) but, the sings were there from the very beginning of her life with dusk. he was just different

she can’t remember how many times he would sneak and take books from the adult section on the library or how many times he used imperceptible charms to raise moondancer or lyra tails when they weren’t looking, barb remembered how many times he insisted on changing her diaper when she still used them for sleep, and playing with her in the bath. in other worlds dusk shine, her dad, celestia’s prodigy equestria’s greatest hero was… a pervert

it was really to obvious, and princess celestia never helped in that aspect, sometimes she wonders if everything was on her plans in the first place, after all even if it was true that she needed diapers like any baby back in that time, it was the princess the one that brought her first dress. and it was dusk the one that brought the panties to the picture and the princess let him put them on her

she was a baby, everything that they said just made sense back then and the fact that everyone always told her how cute or beautiful she was, everything just added in her mind

she remembers how insistent he was on making sure that she keep her modesty all the time, she knew that something was strange about that, after all almost everyone was on her birthday suit around her, even the princess

obviously she never expected that the cute dresses and the panties and basically everything that she was taught to use and wear since her hatchling days were considered sexual things for the common folks perspective

even less expected was to discover that she was an underground sex symbol for the masses of canterlot

imagine her surprise on her first pinkie party when a bunch of stallions and mares surrounded her and asked for pictures and autographs, they were really creepy and some stallions had their dongs hanging down beside her, it was when one stallion tried to move her head to his crotch that she escaped upstairs
she tried to play it off when she ran to were dusk was

that same night dusk went to fight against nightmare moon surrounded with the girls and left her behind on the library.

dusk left a ward around the library that night, as he always does whenever he needs to leave her alone…

those ponies were back that night, they called from outside saying that dusk was hurt, then when she opened the door they just tried to jump at her like rabid animals
luckily for her the ward stopped them instantly…
for some reason she believes that her life would have became an even worse nightmare if dusk hadn’t put that ward

barb looked at the picture… that was the first week completely alone with dusk
no friendship problems no princess no friends, just dusk and her

dusk asked her to close the library and lock the doors that morning, she was happy to do so, it was more free time for reading comics after all and she wasn’t feeling to well around that week

then dusk went downstairs and carried her to their room

dusk ordered her to stand on the bed she even bounced a little thinking that it was a game

then he ordered her to lift her skirt for him…
she did, she was taught since ever to never do anything like that
but she did it anyway

when he ordered to take off her panties she was scared
when he laid her down on her back she was terrified
when he spread her legs and sniffed her kitty she was panicking
when he mounted her she was paralyzed
when he raped her she just laid there

that dress was the only thing that she used for the rest of that week after she woke up later that day, dusk was still bouncing her body over his crotch

it was a long week for her


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