
Lars: Freelancer, mercenary, Explorer, Gun for hire.

Lars has adapted to fit into her home in the Nevada Wasteland, making her way across the divide, and anywhere else there is caps to be made. An unusual sight, she tends to try and keep a low profile, or, did up until recent years.

Little is known about her past, as those who do are either in hiding or dead, and Lars likes to keep it that way. From what fragments remain mostly come in the form of stories, exaggerated tales of feats no wastelander would ever believe without a few drinks in them first.

These tales vary in the retelling, ranging from having gunned down a Brotherhood of Steel Air ship, to nuking an entire NCR settlement with over a hundred mininukes from a Fat Man. There are even some who say she was abducted by aliens before she blew up their mothership when she took offence to their attempted probing. The accuracy of any of these tales is dubious at best and what records remain are often hard to come by making Lars an enigmatic figure at best, and a walking legend to most of the world.

There is still debate in the Capital Waste Land if Lars is in fact a female, as one scavenger so carefully put it: ‘Who in their right mind would call a lady ‘Lars’ in the first place?’

Where she comes from, and what her history is remains a mystery, though, the Followers of the Apocalypse, have been willing to grant access to some of their most sensitive records regarding her.


Clever, cunning, and resourceful. Always thinking of an angle to get out of a predicament, even if that angle is jumping off a cliff into a nest of Death Claws to shake her attackers.

Survivor, Lars knows how to maintain, clean, and strip her equipment down just as easily as she knows what plants one can eat, make into medicine, or form a poison.

Loyalty to a friend. There are a few souls out there that Lars will go to the end of the earth for. And she can count all of them on one hand with fingers to spare.


Tends to overindulge, specifically in regards to cigars, strong alcohol, and nukacola. Then swears she will never do so again, or, at least not for another few months.

Lacks any attachment to anyone or any organization, and doesn’t tend to make friends easily.

Addicted to the rush, has a near suicidal compulsion to get an adrenaline high on a day to day basis: Radscorpion, sure, pass me that combat knife. Death Claw, give me at light machine gun and watch this! Legion, they wont know what hit them.


Nuka cola, Quantum is a favorite though hard to come by, and is willing to pay extra for it.

Radiation: seems to have some odd immunity to negative effects and has never suffered from radiation poisoning.

Guns, Explosives, and strong drink. In that order.

A real fight. Something that poses a challenge that pushes her to the edge. Just not on a day to day basis, but every now and again she craves that adrenaline high.

Hunting Death Claws, must be in packs. Close quarters if you really want to make it a challenge.


Laser weapons/Plasma weapons. On any given day she has a lot of nasty things to say about both of them.

People in general, in particular those of the Brotherhood of Steel, NCR, and Legion and is likely to shoot on sight, or, take an opportunity to ambush if there is a chance.

The Church of Adam – to creepy for her taste.


Favorite weapons:

Anti-materiel rifle loaded with High explosive rounds: The go to weapon for hunting Death Claws, Legion, or anything else that moves. Long range, high yield, very effective.

12.7mm submachine gun: Simple enough weapon, not as large a magazine as the Light Machine Gun, but packs a bigger punch. An ideal weapon for mid to close range combat, and, highly effective against Death Claws and Legion alike.

Li'l Devil: The perfect holdout weapon. Load anything into it and touch off the trigger. Effective against any target that one needs to conserve ammunition against.

Factions Relationships:

— The Brotherhood of Steel: Wanted Alive for study

— The New California Republic: Wanted Dead or Alive for numerous crimes. Most notable the murder of an entire battalion of NCR troopers at Water Point Station.

— Travii’s Circus of Freaks: Wanted Alive and undamaged.

— Caesar’s Legion: Wanted Dead as by Caesar himself. No disintegration.

— The Khans: Good standing, both as an honorary member of the clan, but also a long term client.

— The Strip Houses: Standing shoot on sight orders.

— Raiders gangs: Mixed feelings all around. Those smart enough know not to shoot at her and she will likely not shoot back. Most likely.

— Church of Adam: Wanted Alive and unharmed. Revered as some kind of holy figure by some of the order.

— Followers of the Apocalypse: Good standing, but a little tense.

Favorite sayings:

‘Don’t make me gut shoot you.’

‘It’s the dead ones that kill you.’

‘Oh so unwise.’


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