Born to Silly


An outcast who lives in the forest distant from any pony contact. He's often referred to in conversation as clobber hoof or the crimson stain.

"His hooves are always dirty because he's always making a mess of things! That stinkin trouble maker can't be trusted! Misfortune is the only dame that'll ever fancy the likes of him."

Discriminated against because of his intimidating appearance, profession and troubled past. He works as a chemist forging purely experimental concoctions. His knowledge is considerably vast all things considered but he tends to favor the road less traveled.

"If a cure or solution isn't 100% effective then it hasn't been perfected yet. There's always room to improve. Always."

Visionary? Hopeless Dreamer? Who's to say both can't be true, at the end of the day it's all a battle of chance.


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