Born to Silly


Birth Name: Molly Rose (famous as the "Unsinkable Molly Rose", infamous as the "Unthinkable Pink Terror")

Gender: Cis-Female
Romantic/sexual orientation: asexual (she has neither time nor interest in dating, though she's very capable of platonic affection)
Family: She is Pinkie Pie's and Cheese Sandwich's grand daughter. Her parents are Easy Green, a pegasus, and Rose Hip, an earth pony.
Place of residence: a tree-shaped house near the Ponyville Hospital
Occupation: nurse at the Ponyville Hospital, medic-in-training for the Equestrian military forces

Molly was an only child, sheltered and protected. To her own dismay, she never became such a talented jokester as the rest of her family, but she inherited Pinkie Pie's sixth sense and proved to be a capable flier with a strong sense of duty.
When she was ten, Cloudsdale experienced an attack of horrible flying creatures, and her father, part of the reinforcements, lost a wing and got earth-bound in Ponyville.
After the battle had ended and the wounded were brought into the sick bay, Molly volunteered in the hope of finding her family. While this didn't happen, she got to bandage a classmate of hers who had bullied her before. This experience of selfless effort made her earn her Cutie Mark. When she eventually met up with her father, her dreams had already settled on becoming a nurse and a field medic.

Molly is a through and through practical pony — she doesn't much care for justice or beauty, but for the reality of things. She loves raw physical activity and the experience of sudatory work. Idle chit-chat isn't her forte, and she's rather distrustful of mere theory. In fact, she's sometimes afraid of the power words can gain.

Despite being considered a rather unsocial pony, she is very close with her family (especially her father and aunts from the Pie-Side) and is able to build very deep bonds with ponies, once they really come to know her. She MIGHT have a grim and cynical outlook on the world, but she's still a very truthful soul, and those who have learned to appreciate her ways, will in return see a determined intelligent soul, who remains strong when others perish.

In her sparce free time, Molly is practicing martial arts and studies all kinds of ancient healing techniques, from simple acupressure to the complicated art of "headology".


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