
Pepper Jack — goes by "Jack"
- Colby's Uncle
- Nero's Great Uncle
- Monty's Great Uncle

Jack is the brother of Colby's father. Despite being born and raised in a family of cheese-makers, he never quite found it to be his calling. He'd always had a fascination with wood-working, and found his talent lied with that. While his parents were a bit sad he wouldn't be continuing with the family business, they were reluctantly supportive. He spent a large portion of his life training to become a skilled lumberjack and carpenter.
When their parents passed on, and his brother decided to continue on with the cheese business, Jack moved out into the woods to live alone. He'd never been too social, so building a cabin for himself was in his best interest.
He helped make additions to the family house when his brother's family began to grow. He became an uncle to 1 niece and 4 nephews, one of which being Colby. He had never been much for showing affection, so he was often seen by his kin as grumpy, but he cares deeply for his family, even if he doesn't say it.
Once Jack's brother passed away, he became closer with his nephew Colby, who started paying him more and more visits.

Colby Jack — goes by "Colby"
- Jack's Nephew
- Nero's Uncle
- Monty's Father

Colby is the youngest of his 5 siblings. He has a good relationship with most of his siblings, besides one. He had always been passionate about the family business, and was thrilled when he got his cutiemark. He'd always love when it was time to deliver the cheese and would beg to come along. It became clear to everyone that he was the one who would be heading the business when he was old enough. When they were old enough, 2 of his brothers and his sister all moved out and away to be more ambitious with their talents, leaving him with his least favorite sibling, Ric, and their aging parents. Colby's dad passed away first, and his mother followed not too long after. Colby made it clear to his older brother that he wasn't going to support him or let him live there without him working for it, so Ric promptly left soon thereafter, off to find someone else to trick into taking care of him.
With most of his family gone, Colby began visiting his uncle much more frequently, he was the closest relative to go to. Together they quietly mourned their losses, and bonded more closely. Although when he was younger, Colby used to chatter Jack's ears off, this time they spent together taught him how to quietly appreciate his uncle's company. Colby now understands his uncle quite well, without either of them having to say much of anything.

Hot Habanero Jack — goes by "Nero"
- Jack's Great Nephew
- Colby's Nephew
- Monty's Cousin

Nero is the son of Colby's sister, Mozzarella. His parents own a little restaurant where he basically grew up. Like a lot of his family, he found a deep interest in cooking and earned his cutie mark that way. He specializes in spicy, cheesy dishes. He can identify nearly any spice and knows just how much or how little a dish needs. Now that he's old enough, he officially works in the restaurant, cooking and sometimes waiting tables. He's a generally happy pony with a demeanor many would describe as 'chill'. He gets along with nearly everyone, though doesn't he doesn't have many super close friends.
He sees Colby Jack sometimes when he comes to visit Mozzarella, and enjoys his uncle's company. Nero has a sort of respect for Colby for sticking to the original family business, and gets along with him well. He enjoys discussing with Colby about all the different types of cheeses and the plethora of dishes to be made with them.
Nero gets along splendidly with his younger cousins and actually babysits them often. Colby pays him for it, even though he insists it isn't necessary. He understands his uncle just wants to help support him and reward him for using his free time to help out, but honestly Nero just enjoys hanging out with the little guys, they always have something interesting to say.

Monterey Jack III — goes by "Monty"
- Jack's Great Nephew
- Colby's Son
- Nero's Cousin

Monty is the son of Colby Jack and estranged Fruity Pop. He is a happy go lucky kid full of optimism. At least, most of the time. He often feels insecure and wonders why his mother left, sometimes blaming himself for it. He doesn't remember her clearly, but he knows that she's never been around. He's met Fruity Pop a few times, but doesn't realize that she's his mother, as no one has really mentioned it. She's just a friend of his dad's as far as he understands. On occasion, other foals pick on his incredibly short horn, or jab at the fact that he can't even use it. He is a Unicorn-Earth Pony hybrid, but despite that, it seems he didn't inherit the benefits of either species. This leaves him feeling rather ostracized. But, he always tries to keep a smile on his face when his loved ones are around, he wouldn't want them to worry! Most of the time, though, he is genuinely happy. He loves his father Colby, he loves the outdoors, he loves to play.
Monty was thrilled when Colby adopted Cheddar because having a brother sounded super cool, and he was happy to share his dad with someone who needed him! He is almost always by Cheddar's side, the slightly older foal being more timid than he. He tries his absolute best to protect the ones he cares about, and be there for everyone who needs support. Well, as much support as a little kid can give, anyways.
He adores his cousin Nero and his great Uncle Jack, and gets super excited when they come to visit or when he gets to visit them!


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