
- Light Raid: Hey Tomcat, What about Grumman?
- Swift Shade: That’s right, we never went to his house? Does he have a house? Does he still live with his parents?
- Tomcat: Oh it’s true you may not know it but Grumman is not really at home anymore.
- Light Raid: What, you mean the poor Pegasus he’s alone outside without a home?
- Tomcat: Not really no.
- Duststrife: The last time I saw him, he was going to a pony called Cheerilee, and they were both very happy to see each other.
- Swift Shade: What?
- Light Raid: HOW?
- Duststrife: Well what’s going on, I don’t understand your reaction, is it serious?
- Light Raid: Duststrife! We know you know nothing about love, but here!
- Tomcat : Hahahaha
- Swift Shade: Why are you laughing?
- Tomcat: You should see your heads, Ahahahahah
- Light Raid: That’s not funny!

At cheerilee's house
- Grumman: I’m home, Cheerilee?
- Cheerilee: I’m in the kitchen.
- Grumman: Oh my, I’m filled with happiness just to grieve your voice, my dear.
- Cheerilee: Oh stop, you’re gonna make me blush.
- Grumman: But it is already the case.
- Cheerilee: Welcome home.


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