Gala is the daughter of Fluttershy,Rarity and Big Mac. Shes the eldest and in her own opinion shes the best one out of the lot, she radiates self confidence and is a model for her mother Rarity ever since she was small. She likes to be pampered and spoilt which conflicts harshly with life on the farm, hard work was something she wasnt built for after all Gala is too delicate to lift a hoof what if she breaks something? Arugements break out frequently among the Apple next gen due to her never helping her cousins and siblings think she's too self centered and theyre right. Goldie may have her mothers beautiful looks but she sorely lacks any sort of kindess and generosity.
Biologicaly shes a rarishy daughter but was raised by all three and she considered Big Mac her father. Her relationship with her parents is rather tempermental, she argues alot with Rarity especially about her attitude. Her relationship with Fluttershy is better because Flutters is the only one who doesnt force her to do chores on the farm, Flutters just listens to her and calms her down after yet another heated argument with Rarity or her Aunt Applejack. In reality Fluttershy does suggest that Gala help out more but frames it more so then its Gala's choice rather then an outward command and Gala rarely refuses her. Big Mac is a softie for all of his children and rarely forces them to do something they dont want to, he compromises that Gala doesnt have to do any of the farm work is she doesnt want to but she has to help him or her mothers whenever they ask something which shes not thrilled about.