
EDIT: changed his design cause some of his colors were messin me up

Fullname: Deimos Guard

Common Name: Deimos, Mommy`s Perfect Assistant (Twilight), De Mouse (His friends)

Parents: Twilight Sparkle and Flash Sentry

Siblings: Lunar Spectrum

Info: Deimos is quite the magic user, just like his mother. Unlike his rowdy sister, he enjoys practicing spells and learning new things along side his mother. His favorite pass time is trying new spells with his friends, Goober Swirl and Harmonic Cadence. Though he wont admit it, Goober Swirl is his best friend and competition. The two unicorns are always fighting for Twilight`s praise when they complete learning a new spell. Twilight is worried she`ll run out of spells from how quick the two seem to learn them!


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