It was decided. There will be no turning back. Sunset put the pencil against the contract, holding it as far away from herself as possible and closed her eyes. She will succeed. She has too…
This one might not have be done so soon, if flyingcentar3 didn't found this face.
And don't forget, there's a story that :iconflyingcentar3: writes about Sunset and he could use your feedback: www.deviantart.com/arielfan90/…
And now a preview for the second part too: www.deviantart.com/arielfan90/…
This one might not have be done so soon, if flyingcentar3 didn't found this face.
And don't forget, there's a story that :iconflyingcentar3: writes about Sunset and he could use your feedback: www.deviantart.com/arielfan90/…
And now a preview for the second part too: www.deviantart.com/arielfan90/…
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