26th Jan 2021, 6:00 AM in A Canterlot Wedding, Part 2
That's the thing about trying to make your game a realistic simulation — reality has a lot of unpleasant baggage that shows up when you simulate it reasonably well.
We've got another episode of Shadowtrot up for your listening/viewing pleasure!
Session 13 — Lethe'ly Yours: Podcast | Video
Fluttershy: At least we took out some of the invasion force to make it easier…
DM: Wellllll…
Twilight Sparkle: Someone had to say it.
Fluttershy: Sorry…
DM: There are still plenty of changelings on the way. It seems they've identified you as the main obstacle to their plans.
Applejack: What about Celestia?
Rainbow Dash: I think she's on-schedule for the "sacrifice" part of her heroic sacrifice.
Twilight Sparkle: Either way, we've wasted enough time!
DM: The door to the tower is in sight. Can I get an Athletics roll from everybody?
Rarity: <roll>
Fluttershy: <roll>
Pinkie Pie: <roll>
Twilight Sparkle: <roll>
Applejack: <roll>
Rainbow Dash: <roll>
DM: Alright, you make it to the door in time before the horde catches up with you.
Twilight Sparkle: I'm ready for this to be over. Invasions are *exhausting.*
DM: That's kinda the point!