Family Background~ Since she was very young, Fluttershy has always wanted a big family, tons of foals running around, laughing, getting in trouble, etc. However, during that time, Fluttershy never found a stallion who she loved and trusted enough to marry and start a family with(some came close, and she had a couple lasting flings here and there, but none of them ever felt quite right). So, with little hope of conceiving a family herself, she trotted over to the adoption agency. She found herself falling for a young purple pegasus filly named Columbine, and a few signed papers later, she had a daughter.
After she had raised her adoptive daughter for a few months, she met and got to know the local florist, a timid pegasus by the name of Lily Blossom. Soon enough, her and Lily were bonding over their various shared interests every time she visited her flower shop. After some time, Fluttershy found herself going to the Florist for reasons other than buying her flowers. After asking Columbine, or Collie as she had come to call her, Fluttershy worked up the courage to ask the magenta eyed pegasus out on a date. Lily had meekly responded that she had wanted to ask Fluttershy out herself for months now, but had never had the guts to.
They had dated for just 2 years when Fluttershy proposed, and the two gentle pegasi were soon wed. The small little family felt more and more complete. Less than a month later, Lily came up pregnant with their foal, and the two mares were beyond ecstatic as they waited with baited breath for their little womb muffin. When Lily went into labor, they realized they were having not one foal, but two. They named the firstborn twin, a little pink filly, Orchid Skygazer Blossom, and they named the secondborn twin, a little violet filly, Violet Stargazer Blossom. 5 years later, Fluttershy got pregnant and gave birth to their 4th child, an off-white pegasus colt they named Mayflower Soaring Blossom.