2. After the Pillars all pass, River is left alone at fifteen. Stygian respects the colt's space, but keeps a close eye on him as he finishes his last year of study, then heads towards the woods to build himself a cabin, set perfectly between Ponyville and Whitetail Woods. Having learned quite a bit about the wilderness from his parents, River Rock found himself secluding himself away between the trees. Stygian visits often, sometimes accompanied by camping shop owner, Double Diamond. The two stallions prove imperative in helping River through his grief and adjustments to a life on his own. About five years pass, and River takes over the role as park ranger for the eastern region of the Smoky Mountains. The saddened colt from a few years ago seemed to have nearly transformed into a new pony — a stallion full of life and excited to share it with his friends. He makes his living from taking groups of ponies and other creatures on guided tours through the woods, including ziplining and rafting. Each tour, of course, is rich in various tales from the region. River also helped Twilight ensure that all of Rockhoof, Meadowbrook, and the Pillars' stories were taken down in writing, so they could be enjoyed for many years more.
3. As he integrates Ponyville and its citizens back into his life, River is a common sight in the village. He is friendly and upbeat, if not a tad sarcastic at times. His passion for nature and the earth itself often leads him to butt heads with Sandstone Pie, up-and-coming paleontologist. The two are rather stubborn, but when working together, they have made some pretty impressive discoveries in the twisting, winding paths of the forest. While she's not in the running for Princess of Friendship, Sandstone also helps River as he tries to get more comfortable making friends again. Though her advice can be coarse, brash, and slightly unhelpful at times, River admires her determination and fortitude, though her attitude can get a tad grating at times. Though he walked through a few difficult years, River Rock is intent on making sure the accomplishments of the past are still recognized, the areas where one can learn are being taught, and making his parents proud.