Published: Feb 1, 2021
Original description:
Happy Rainbow Dash Day!!!
Today's about the fastest, bravest, most confident, most fearless, most loyal and the awesomest (20% cooler) rainbow hair pony in all of Equestria, as well as Wonderbolt, Daring Do fan, and the Teacher of Loyalty. If there were a trophy for speediest pony ever, Rainbow would win it-lickety split. She's can outrun a peregrine falcon. And that was always her greatest passion. As the number #1 flier in all of Equestria, she rules the skies as the Pegasus pony supreme. She also earned her fame for her signature move: the Sonic Rainboom, a rainbow that shoots out behind her like a jet stream. All this has even help fulfill her dream to become a member of the Wonderbolts!
Rainbow Dash by CloudyGlow
Filly Rainbow Dash by Korikian
Sonic Rainboom by Narflarg
Background by Ambassad0r
My Little Pony EG belongs to Hasbro& Lauren Faust
Hope you all enjoy an awesome first of February, but not as awesome as Dashie!!!Thank you Rainbow Dash for being the awesomest, coolest (20% coolest), fastest, loyalest pony ever, and may you continue bringing color to the skies of Equestria with your Sonic Rainboom. Thanks for everything