Born to Silly


Gift art done by my friend Shadypixels for a private Fallout Equestria pen-and-paper game. This character is Second Lieutenant Cozy Skies (no relation to Cozy Glow, that she knows of,) a Vertibuck pilot for the Grand Pegasus Enclave. She tries to stay out of direct combat engagements herself, but she often works extraction and deployment, by carrying troops as needed into combat or carrying the wounded back home. Her craft is a standard GPE Vertibuck, dubbed "Froghopper" while she herself takes the callsign "Froggy," a nickname earned during one of her first takeoffs. (She got sloppy going through the pre-flight checklist, and she bounced her Vertibuck across a hanger in jarring little hops until she made it out the door, instead a of a clean glide.) The craft has a painted decal of a pegasus stallion lying on his side in a lascivious pose, and holding a frog in his hoof.

Recently she's gotten demoted, after another major equipment failure caused an electrical fire that trapped Cozy in the cockpit while the right side of the vertibuck caught fire. She survived, but the fire left scars on both her and Froghopper. Most notably, she lost an eye, and she has an extensive burn scar on the right side of her face. Despite all that though, Cozy remains cheerful and chipper, and has a reputation for being calm and easygoing while off-duty. In secret, however, she's convinced that the malfunction was intentional, and she's still privately investigating who would try to kill her, or at least bump her down the ranks, to benefit themselves.


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