4th Feb 2021, 6:00 AM in A Canterlot Wedding, Part 2
Sometimes it's the GM's job to make an opportunity where there are none. The game can't end with "welp, the villain's 100% competent and has everything under control, including you," unless your players have long established that they're cool with those kinds of stakes.
Also, I can still hear Chrysalis's giggle in panel 5. It's such a keystone character moment in retrospect.
DM: I mean, if part of your plan is to make Chrysalis overconfident, I have good news on that front. She sends her drones out to finish securing Canterlot while she watches from the balcony of the wedding hall. It's a tableau of destruction and fear. The citizens are being rounded up so the changelings can subdue them and feed on their love for years to come. Every stallion, mare, and foal. The royal guards hve been entirely incapacitated. All attempts to send emergency messages have been stifled. Everything's coming up Chrysalis!
Twilight Sparkle: Grrrrrreat. I'm just gonna… try to sneak over to Cadance and Shining while she's distracted and gloating. Is that okay?
DM: She has officially stopped caring about you, so yes.