I really would love to hash out the headcanon story I have for Celestia and Luna. Not sure if I ever will, but I love drawing pretty manes so here’s this.
Some notes —
- Queen Eva Gaia was the Heart of what Equestria was born from. Unfortunately, her story was lost to time, muddied from the passing of generations, and eventually forgotten. - Gaia fostered many foals over the years. She may have been strict and no nonsense, but she dearly loved each and every foal(and never refused an invitation to a tea party with stuffed animals and dress up). Celestia and Luna are the only ones that forever called the Grand Palace their home since they stepped hoof through the door. - Celestia was born an earth pony named Sunflower. Luna was a Pegasus, but no one knew her birth name. - Celestia and Luna in this AU are not blood related. They came from the same village. Luna doesn’t know, but too much time passed, soooo Celestia barely remembers those days anyhow. - During Gaia’s reign, moon and sun had their own cycles, the weather handled itself, everything was perfectly balanced.