Born to Silly


Back the the dramaaaaa~

The zoom of pegasi overhead her medic tent made Autumn turn her head, glancing towards the sky once they passed the canopy that kept her out of the sun. Her sister, who she had just helped warm up, was already speeding through the obstacle course around them, acting as if she owned the place. Autumn Storm grabbed her roster, having checked trainees in when they arrived and again once they had warmed up correctly, noticing the names of two ponies who hadn’t shown up. One of them made sense to her, at least. Jade Lightning had recently pulled a wing during a handful of laps to practice dodging clouds and was out for the week. The other missing pegasi, a mare named Free Fall, had no reason for being absent. She thought about bringing it up to her mother, since she was Captain of the Wonderbolts, but decided not to. If anything, Rainbow Dash would simply say that if they didn’t put in the effort, they wouldn’t become Wonderbolts.

Autumn flipped through the clipboard’s pages with a wing, looking back on injuries for Free Fall, or anything that would offer a reason to suddenly not showing up to practice when everyone knew she was a dedicated flier. There were no real injuries, a clipped wing too far back to be causing any more problems, and a sprained hoof from a clumsy landing. But as she looked back on her notes, the mare started to spot a small pattern. It was common for trainees, even full-time Wonderbolts, to get hurt every now and then. But according to Autumn’s meticulous paperwork to keep track of every pegasi in the program, injuries were happening more often, specifically to cadets. She knew that if she brought this up to any of the higher ups, they would laugh it off. They would claim that “of course, newbies are more likely to get injured”. But it didn’t sit right with the medic. She unhooked the papers from the clipboard, spreading them across the first flat surface she could find: the table she had injured pegasi lay on.

The longer Autumn Storm stared at the papers, the more paranoid she felt. Was she just losing her mind? Thinking too hard? She dealt with so much every day to prepare various groups for flying and then cool downs, so she barely realized that the amount of injuries had increased. Almost all of the trainees had been injured at least once, according to her notes. The only two who hadn’t were Downburst and Solar Flare. Autumn shook her head at the brief thought that her sister would be purposefully messing with her competition. She was cocky, even arrogant at times, but she wasn’t a cheater.

“Get out of the way!” She heard one of the trainees in the air yell, zipping past a slower pegasi. “If you can’t keep up, move aside for those of us who actually wanna win!”

Solar Flare landed on the ground once she had passed the others, grabbing her sunglasses from the grass. She looked awfully proud of herself, while the other trainees she had snapped at looked a little deflated by her words as they also lowered down into the grass to grab water or talk amongst themselves. Autumn Storm, already not appreciating Solar’s attitude towards the other cadets, made a beeline for the mare.

“Can I talk to you for a minute, please? Alone?” Autumn gritted through her teeth, giving a fake smile to not alarm the others around them.

Solar, obviously having no idea what was going on, shrugged and put on her sunglasses, glancing at the medic with an unimpressed gaze. “Sure.”

The two walked away from the obstacle course and the trainees, with Autumn Storm clearly wanting to stay out of everyone’s earshot. Once they were far enough, she turned to Solar Flare, who already looked bored. “Can you explain why you’re speaking to the other trainees that way? I don’t think it’s your job to tear them down like that. Leave any verbal reprimands to the Captain, when they actually deserve it.”

“I don’t really see why that’s any of your business, Medic.” Solar replied coolly, not missing a beat when responding to Autumn’s question. “If they can’t keep up, they need to know to get out of the way. They could lead to a major pileup during laps, and then you’d have too many injured ponies to take care of at once. I’m just making your job easier, really.”

Solar’s growing smile unnerved Autumn and she immediately started to hate the confident sass of this mare. And the more Solar Flare talked, the more Autumn began to believe that this trainee would willingly sabotage the rest. “My job is to make sure everyone is safe. Right now, it seems like more and more cadets are being injured during tasks that don’t usually lead to accidents. I would hate for it to come to the attention of the Captain that someone could be hurting trainees on purpose or cheating to win.”

To that, Solar snorted. “And who would prove that? You?” Her cockiness seemed to know no bounds as she stared down at the mare in front of her. “I can’t help it if I’m better than everyone else here. And so what if someone gets injured every once in a while, isn’t that the point of being an athlete?”

“Not if they’re being injured because someone is purposely sabotaging them!” Autumn Storm hissed while her wings ruffled and her ears flicked back in anger. “I want you to listen to me carefully. If it turns out that you are injuring other trainees to make yourself look better, or doing anything to hurt them, I will have no problem dragging you to Captain Rainbow Dash myself. And if anything, and I mean ANYTHING happens to my sister, you won’t have to deal with my mother. You’ll have to deal with me. Watch your step, Cadet.”

Solar raised her hoof to mockingly salute as Autumn Storm got up into her face and held her gaze before stomping away back to her medic tent. Knowing the talk was over, for now, she rolled her eyes and took to the skies again, a frown now clearly on her face where the confident grin once stood, her brow furrowing in thought as she completed another set of laps. If she wasn’t careful from here on out, she would be caught, especially with Autumn’s suspicions.

“So what if someone gets injured?” She muttered to herself, passing a handful of pegasi who quickly moved out of her way. “Not like she’ll ever be able to prove it.”
Got this background from Pinterest, currently looking for the link but I'm coming up blank! I'll put it here as soon as I find it!


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