
Meet the Equestria's very stoic but very passionate couple: the rock-loving Maud Pie and her stick-admiring boyfriend Mudbriar! They may seem stone cold apathetic, but they have warm hearts and their love is hotter than a heated twig floating on a molten lava spill.

Despite the expression "opposites attract," Maud Pie and Mudbriar are proof how a relationship can be built on similarities, such as having unique passions (she has a deep knowledge and fashion for rocks, while he has a great interest in and knowledge of sticks) and can share them, and being completely understood for how they feel and think about it. And of course, Maud has found somepony she can fully express her calm energy with. Though they may not seem too interesting to us, it’s plain to see there is a comfort in this relationship that Maud hasn’t found elsewhere.

The same wasn't said the same for her sister, Pinkie Pie. The usually cheerful pony was annoyed by Mudbriar's mannerisms and quirks, to the point where Pinkie was unable to rationalize how or why Maud likes him. After getting some advice from her other sisters Limestone and Marble, Pinkie put up with Mudbriar because he makes Maud happy.

There was one time where a mishap with one of the students from the School of Friendship disappeared that led to a very romantic (and very frightening) experience for Maud and Mudbriar. While helping Starlight Glimmer, Trixie, Sunburst, and Terramar to find Silverstream, they encountered a flock of cockatrices! Mudbriar was turned to stone during encounter… and this made him more attractive in Maud's eyes. After Silverstream was found, having tamed a Cockatrice she named "Edith", she reluctantly asked for her boyfriend to be restored. However, he claimed to developed a deeper appreciation for rocks as a result of his experience, much to Maud's ecstasy. In her words, "swoon!" These two are perfect for each other.

Originally, I was intent on using the vectors of Maud Pie and Mudbriar I made before. But then I decided to do a more interactive and romantic vector. As for the sentiment I couldn't come up with a stick related one. Hope you guys don't mind.

There are more Hearts and Hooves Day pics like this to come, so be ready. Heart Love Happy Valentines Day Being silly together is so much fun … Heart Icon (Happy Valentine's Day!)


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