Born to Silly


And here they are. The two pen pals who would find young love between them and a future of being Equestria's interspecies couple — Yona the yak and Sandbar the Earth Pony!

These two, along with their fellow students at the School of Friendship, Gallus the griffon, Silverstream the hippogriff, Ocellus the changeling, and Smolder the dragon, have become the best of friends, and a new band of heroes after stopping the diabolical machinations of Cozy Glow. But it seemed that the friendship between Sandbar and Yona would blossom into something more special. When the School of Friendship was hosting the Amity Ball, the now bashful Sandbar asked Yona if she wanted to be his "Pony Pal" to the dance, which she agreed. However, she thought that she needed to act more like a pony to impress Sandbar, prompting herself to seek Rarity's advice on how to behave like a pony. With help from Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie, Yona became a well-sophisticated "pony". Sandbar, shocked by the extreme changes Yona made, told Yona she did not need to go to so much trouble, but Yona felt satisfied that she was finally fitting in. Unfortunately, while attending the dance, Yona ended up embarrassing herself when her enhancements became their own obstacles. With the party in shambles, the heartbroken over the mess she caused and feeling like she failed to fit in, Yona exited the dance ashamed. Sandbar caught up to her at the Treehouse of Friendship and told her he does not care whether Yona is a good pony or a bad pony; he asked her to go to the dance with him because he appreciates her as the "best Yona" she already is. "Yona, it doesn't really matter if you're a great pony or a horrible pony. You're the best Yona I know. That's why I asked you to the dance. I never wanted you to be anything other than what you are. My friend, Yona, the yak." Touched by his words, Yona hugged Sandbar, and he hugged back as two shooting stars raced across the night sky. And they were declared as the winners of the Pony Pal Contest,

Ever since the Amity Ball, these two best friends have developed a new burgeoning love for one another. Even though they are two different species and having different personalities, Sandbar and Yona were definitely meant for each other. Yona is proud, harboring a lot of pride and love for her home of Yakyakistan, though her pride can make her feel insecure and self-conscious about fitting in among pony society. Sandbar, meanwhile, is laidback, open, emotionally truthful and secure, and simple, never wanting too much in life, allows those around him to be themselves without fear of judgment or a need to live up to grand expectations. They are total opposites, and yet it is their contrasting personalities that they complement each other perfectly. In the future it appears that they are a couple. Perhaps the first pony-yak couple in Equestria. But either way, these two make one of the cutest and sweetest couples ever.

I'm sure you all recognize this. I planned on using the vector of these two for the Hearts and Hooves Day cards. However, since I was also planning on uploading it as a vector way before then, I decided to do submit it both ways.

There are more Hearts and Hooves Day pics like this to come, so be ready. Heart Love Happy Valentines Day Being silly together is so much fun … Heart Icon (Happy Valentine's Day!)


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