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Story art for a chapter where Becky is still looking for a cure for her lung issues but stops at a local cafe with Shining Armor for some tea that helps her deal with her symptoms. For reasons Shining still doesn't fully understand, he is infatuated with Becky but has learned from previous attempts that trying to get too close by normal means just doesn't work, and has been trying to not seem so forward.

The fact that Cadance has mutually encouraged him to pursue what he can with Becky has only seemed to complicate things for him. At the same time, Becky is rather cute for a human.


[Meanwhile, at a friendly little cafe in town.]

A unicorn waitress was pouring hot water into Becky’s cup.

"Thank you for letting me bring my own tea."

The waitress just smiled sweetly like it was nothing.

"It's fine. Anything for a friend of Peter and the prince."

Becky couldn't help but laugh at what had to have been Sniff making his rounds, but it quickly turned to a coughing fit.

Shining, of course, didn’t want this drawing any more attention than needed and dismissed the helpful mare.

"That'll be all for now. Just bring the food when it's ready, thank you."

With that, the waitress bowed and left Becky to treat herself to some soothing tea.

"Oh, thank god," she said with a slightly grating voice. "You don't know how badly I need this stuff in my life."

What should have been a friendly conversation starter, for some reason, left Shining smiling nervously and not very talkative.

Naturally, his silence left Becky curious.

"You alright there, Tin Foil?"

As happy as Shining was, he was walking a rather thin line, and this wasn't the proper setting for what he really wanted.

"Sorry. I guess I'm just thinking about what you said about ponies getting the wrong idea."

This again? Well, at least Becky could take comfort in how smart he was finally acting.

"Don't sweat it. We're having tea with some PB and J's. I couldn't wait to get back to the castle for this… It's my fault for not asking to have Zecora brew me a cup back at her place."

That seemed to calm Shining down. She was keeping this friendly and formal. Just what he needed.

"Probably… But those two were so deep into their science magic, it's better that we didn't distract them."

Getting him back into a more chill vibe made the mood easier to work with, and Becky finally decided to toy with an idea that Rainbow had annoyingly pushed on her.

"Hey, I know we already talked about not giving off the wrong impression, and I trust you enough for an honest opinion. Do you think I'm attractive?"

Immediately Shining started sweating bullets like he was on trial for a crime he didn't commit.

"What? I never-"

Exactly the reaction she’d expected.

"Stop," Becky playfully laughed, causing her another short cough before she waved him off while taking a long sip of her tea.

With her throat and lungs back in the clear, she re-engaged the question.

"I'm not putting you on the spot. It's just…" She took a moment to collect herself. "Look, between you and me, Rainbow had been nagging me to open up and find a pony to hook up with. And I'm not looking for anything serious, mind you. But, I never wanted to get involved with my lifeline getting cut shorter every day. Now though… maybe if I'm stuck here… maybe one day I'll be open to it."

This was too good to be true, but Shining had to carefully capitalize on it.

"Becky, of course, you're attractive. Any stallion would be lucky just to have you look their way."

That was sweet to say, and Becky couldn't help but feel flattered by it.

"Well aren't you just the sweet talker? But I still don't really know how I would feel about being with a pony. I know that makes me sound terrible…"

Shining listened to her trail off, but now he was curious about what was holding her back.

"I don't think you're terrible, but what would make you not be interested in a stallion?"

Of course, he would be so direct. Becky didn't want to be so honest as it would likely offend, so she'd be a little misleading about it.

"I'm barely experienced with guys back on Earth. I… I dunno. Maybe part of it is just me realizing that all my guy friends are taken and I don't have a lot of options… I just thought it might be nice to have some company and… I dunno. Sleeping alone gets boring."

Of all the times to have the perfect opening but no stable ground to stand on. This was a terrible spot for Shining to be stuck in, and now he needed an out.

"Maybe you should talk to Cadance?” He cautiously asked. “Princess of Love, you know. I think she had a hoof in Cerb finding his two."

Thinking back, Cadance had been surprisingly interested in Cerb from the start, even encouraging him with Fluttershy and Rarity. Becky could see this as a good starting point.

"Maybe… I guess? It's just a thought anyway… I'll think about it. But please don't tell anyone. I don't want our friends trying to push me into anything."

As she took another sip from her cup, Shining could see where she really stood and ran her position through his mind.

“She really needs a friend more than anything. Not that I wouldn’t offer my bed to share, or join her where she sleeps, but… I don’t know anymore. She really needs to talk to Cadance, but I’ll let her know how Becky really feels.”

It was settled. Shining might have a chance for something, but wasn’t going to push.

“I might bring this up to Cadance, if you don’t mind? But otherwise, your secret is safe with me. We’re not going to push you into anything. Just let me know if you have any stallion in mind and I’m sure we can help with whatever you need.”


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