
“Spike, are you okay?” Twilight asked, worry coating her voice.

“Jeez… could’ve sworn the molting process ended after the wings. That, or I’m getting sick,” Spike coughed, punching his chest and managing a few more spits of lingering flames out of his windpipe. He suddenly noticed his empty claws, spotting the scroll already unfurling in Twilight’s magic. “Oh, yeah, uh… message for you, Twilight!”

Despite still holding some minor worries over Spike’s condition, Twilight sent a quick and relieved smile his way while slowly opening the scroll. She cleared her own throat and began reading the letter silently to herself. The guards stood at attention, straightening their postures while Spike forced another fiery burp out, that flame holding no scroll. Then, to their intrigue, they studied Twilight’s facial features and watched as they shifted. The first turning into mild confusion, then into deep dissection, and finally into a subtle state of disturbance. Twilight lowered the letter from her face.

“What does it say, Your Majesty?” her guard asked.

“Whoever it is, they sure have a lot to say,” Spike mumbled, rubbing his throat gingerly.

Twilight turned from her guards, to Spike, back to the letter, and slowly dropping it once more. That time, she rolled it up and held it close to her side, under her wing, which allowed her to bring her full and undivided attention onto the three of them. With her brow furrowed, expression tightened and holding that mixture of confusion and disturbance, Twilight opened her mouth and tried to speak.

She tried to formulate the words she read. Yet she didn’t know why it was so hard.

Instead, she gave them the abridged version to the best of her ability, saying, “It’s from Princess Celestia. She wants my friends and I to meet with them in Silver Shoals immediately…”

Twilight paused, staring solely at Spike when she finished.

“… as a means that must be discussed in private.”


Bon Bon playfully shoved her away. “Shut up,” she laughed.

“So, what’s the news! Anything for me in that bundle?”

Bon Bon raised an amused brow to Lyra’s excitement, reaching for the pile of mail and sifting through it. The tip of her hoof slid away each piece of advertisement, coupons they didn’t need, and other letters that were just another scam for the both of them. By the time they reached the end of the pile, there was just the large scroll left.

“Annnnd… nope! Just junk mail and this scroll with my name on it,” Bon Bon noted, lifting up the tightened letter and analyzing it between her hooves. Lyra smushed her face against Bon Bon’s cheek, narrowing her own eyes and getting a much closer look. Suddenly, both of their eyes suddenly widened, each mare frozen in place momentarily.

“Is that… what I think it is?” Lyra quietly asked.

Bon Bon slowly turned the scroll, showcasing a bright red stamp in the center of the rolled-up paper. “A royal stamp…” Lyra stated, gripping the scroll with her own hoof much to Bon Bon’s dismay. “Holding the insignias of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna!”

“Technically, they’re not princesses anymore,” Bon Bon corrected, smirking as she broke the seal and unfurled the scroll with the tips of her hooves.

Lyra just shrugged as she backed away and moved on towards the kitchen, muttering, “Eh, it’s too hard to call them anything else at this point.”

Bon Bon laughed. “And you say I’m lazy…”

Her voice drifted away as she began to read, but that didn’t stop Lyra from babbling on. She was already pouring in the pancake mix onto the pan with her magic, multitasking while gabbing about the possibilities. When it came to the princesses, almost anything was possible! When have they ever been noticed by either Celestia or Luna? Heck, it was not everyday you received a letter from them! It was so much that Lyra just couldn’t stop talking.

“But, I mean, come on! You’re getting a letter from the former rulers of Equestria! Oh, this is big! I gotta get the camera! Wait, I need to turn off the stove! Okay, now I need to get the camera! This is definitely going in the scrapbook! Hang on, I’ll be right back!”

Normally, Lyra’s antics would have gotten a laugh out of Bon Bon, at least a smile. Only, there was nothing gracing the Earth pony’s features. Bon Bon was frozen after having finished reading the letter, all expressive emotion seemingly doused from her face. It was definitely Celestia who wrote it—Bon Bon could point out her hoofwriting out of anypony else’s. The words were not comforting in the slightest, the former princess asking for Bon Bon’s presence in Silver Shoals as soon as possible for a private discussion. She didn’t specify exactly what it was in the letter, possibly as a means of security. However, it was what came at the end of the letter that assured Bon Bon of the seriousness in the summons. It was what caused her to lose her breath, nearly stop her heart, and curl her blood until all had simply leaked out from her face.

In Celestia’s own writing, just before the Alicorn’s signature, she addressed Bon Bon personally as her “most trusted special agent”. She didn’t reveal her true name in the letter, probably out of respect for Bon Bon’s privacy and safety. But still, addressing Bon Bon as a special agent was still pretty risky in public mail transportation. What if their mail had been lost or stolen? What if Lyra misread the scroll and took it for herself? What if Lyra’s curiosity got the better of her again?

How would she have reacted? What more could she possibly find out about Bon Bon’s secret double life?

Too much.

Twilight & Bon Bon © Hasbro


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