Having learned from their experience with Twilight, Equestria's rulers gave Rarity a deal: While she would be incarcerated and bound for the rest of her life, she would be allowed to continue designing clothes to her heart's content if she agreed not to resist her fate. With the alternative being locked in a cell deep within a maximum-security prison — and realizing that resistance was pointless — Rarity sighed and agreed.
Thus, Rarity was permanently locked into a Securu sack and housed at her boutique, where she spent the rest of her days designing a massively successful line of clothes catering to both the everyday pony and fashionistas. And while she still dreams of freedom, Rarity knows better than to abuse her magic to try and make it happen, for her captors warned her that using it was a privilege and not a right, and if she tried to escape, her horn would be removed and a hood would be permanently locked around her head, a dreadful fate for a fashion-conscious pony like herself.